保路运动堪称武昌起义的前奏,为首义成功创造了有利时机和条件。此次声势浩大的运动因路而起,为路而争。这条与7000万四川人利害相关的路到底所指何路?四川无铁路的历史什么时候才结束? 四川素有“蜀道难,难于上青天”的“天府国”之称,近代西方列强更是“望眼欲川”。1888年法、英两国先后提出修筑滇越、滇缅铁路乘势延至成都的要求。甲午战后,帝国主义大肆在华抢夺铁路修筑权。以便
The road protection campaign was a prelude to the Wuchang Uprising and created favorable conditions and conditions for the success of Shouyi. The massive movement this time has risen for the road. What is the road associated with the 70 million Sichuanese people’s interests? When will the history of Sichuan’s non-railway come to an end? Sichuan is known as the “Tianfu State,” which is known as the “Land of Heavens,” and is a modern Western power. It is even more “looking like a river”. In 1888, France and the United Kingdom successively proposed the construction of the Yunnan-Vietnam and Yunnan-Burmese railways to extend their requirements to Chengdu. After the Sino-Japanese War, imperialists clamoured to seize railway building rights in China. so that