据报道 ,在六七月份 ,各类针对考生的保健补脑产品纷纷上市 ,许多家长出于相同的心理 ,不由自主地带着孩子加入“补脑大军”之列 ,希望通过“聪明药”带来好成绩。这些寄托着学生和家长无限希望的“聪明药”究竟是何物 ,实际效果又怎样呢 ?据南京师范大学营养学专业的金教授介
It is reported that in June and June, various types of health-related brain-supplementation products for candidates have been listed. Many parents involuntarily bring their children to the ranks of the “brain-boosting army” for the same reason and hope to bring good through the “smart medicine” Score. What are the “smart drugs” that are entrusted to students and their parents with infinite hope? What is the actual effect? According to Prof. Jin Professor of Nutrition at Nanjing Normal University