“Drama Xun Jiu” has a unique value and long-lasting influence in the drama publications of the Republic of China. Its founder Zhang Gu-yu was a prominent figure in the Shanghai drama community in the Republic of China. This article is the first essay dedicated to Zhang Gu-yu and “Drama Xun Jiu” . “Drama Xun Jiu” was a new type of drama periodical at that time, which created a new model of graphic interpretation with the help of both graphic and graphic. It also led the reader to enter the “era of drawing” of the Republican drama. As the soul of the publication, Zhang Guyu used one man’s power to make the publication grow from scratch, from small to large, make word of mouth, make an impact, became the largest sales of journals in Shanghai. Zhang Guyu is another dramatic critic who gives his own views. His dramatic comments are straightforward and unobtrusive. His sharp and unobtrusive attitude is unforgivable and unscrupulous. He is truly an independent dramatist during the Republic of China. The thesis also briefly outlines the ups and downs of Zhang’s life experiences, can make up for the drama history of the Que.