近年来,随着影像医学技术的不断发展,颅内动脉瘤检出率逐年提升。图像质量及空间分辨率的提升,结合多种成像手段及图像重组技术的多方位应用,使原来复杂多变易受干扰的颅内血管成像成为了现实,颅内动脉瘤的诊疗得到了迅猛发展。本文总结近年来相关文献,对各影像手段在颅内动脉瘤临床诊疗中的作用进行归纳总结,为临床工作的开展提供依据和指导。“,”With the development of medical radiology technology in near years , detection rare of intracranial aneurysms is ris-ing.The development of imaging equipment makes picture be better and better .Powerful image postprocessing and computing power with change of anatomy and pathology make the intracranial artery imaging , which is affected by around structure , becomes the fact.In this article, a series of recent literatures are summarized , analyzed and compared different ways for diagnosing in-tracranial aneurysms , in order to offer the evidence in clinical application .