In order to obtain a cotton fiber specific promoter, the 5 ’upstream sequence of the GhSCFP expression gene in cotton fiber cells was cloned and fused with GUS and GFP reporter genes, respectively, in transgenic tobacco only in the outermost cells of the seed coat GUS and GFP activities were detected. No GUS signal was observed in roots, leaves, young stems, corolla, anther and stigma in transgenic G. hirsutum, but significant GUS activity was observed in the fiber cells protruding on the ovule on the day of flowering, GUS signal could still be observed on the fiber 36 days after flowering.The results of this study showed that the SCFP promoter has obvious cotton fiber expression specificity and plant seed coat specificity and high expression intensity.This promoter plays an important role in cotton fiber development related gene Function research and cotton genetic engineering will have important application value.