Aminoglycosides (e.g.Gentamicin) are ototoxic drugs and widely prescribed due to their effective antimicrobial actions and affordable prices.This study focused on determining protective effect of curcumin against the damage caused by aminoglycosides.We aimed to demonstrate the potential of curcumin as an antioxidant to increase the expressions of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in fibroblasts of cochlea lateral wall in ototoxic rat models.The experiment was conducted with randomized post test-only control group design by using 32 male Rattusnorvegicus adults which received a combination of gentamicin and curcumin with different durations and doses.Then,the rats underwent terminations and immunohistochemical assay to determine the expression of SOD.The rats receiving gentamicin injection showed significantly decreased expression of SOD (P<0.05),and the administration of curcumin before and after the gentamicin injection showed significantly increased expression of SOD (P<0.05).Collectively,we showed that curcumin was an antioxidant against oxidative stress due to ototoxicity evidenced by the expression of SOD.