哥伦布能成为史上最伟大的航海探险家,在于其身上的领导力哲学——懂得入乡随俗和见机行事2013年,我曾给主修商业的大学生开过一门名叫“叛变及创业”的课程,主题包括如何推翻领导人、改变权力架构,或是(从另一面来看)如何镇压恶意的叛变等。现代讲到创业,大家几乎都已经知道必须有计划地反抗权力,但我们采用很独特的方法,来研究这个过程中的各种动态变化。我们课堂上研究的第一个案例就是克里斯托弗·哥伦布(Christoforo Columbus),后来还研究了费迪南德·麦哲伦(Ferdinand Magellan)、塞巴斯提安·
Columbus to be the greatest sailing explorer in history, based on its leadership philosophy - to know what to do and what to do when it came to the countryside In 2013, I had given a major undergraduates a name of “betrayal and entrepreneurship.” Topics include topics such as how to overthrow leaders, change the structure of power, or (on the other hand) how to crack down on vicious mutiny. When it comes to starting a business in modern times, almost all of us already know that we must systematically resist power. However, we adopt a unique approach to studying various dynamic changes in this process. The first case study in our class was Christoforo Columbus, and later Ferdinand Magellan, Sebastian