Struggling to live a new normal life among Chinese women after losing an only child:A qualitative st

来源 :国际护理科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hard_158
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Objectives:Losing an only child is a life-altering event that destroys Chinese women's lives and health in several dimensions.However,there is no unified theory exists to guide nursing practice.This study aimed to discover the substantive theory of how Chinese women live with the loss of their only child.Methods:This qualitative study used the grounded theory method.Purposive sampling,snowball sampling,and theoretical sampling were used to recruit participants.Saturated data from the in-depth interview,observation,and field notes with 13 Chinese women who have lost an only child in Southwest China were analyzed using the constant comparative method concurrently supplemented by the ATLAS.ti program,memo writing,and diagramming.Findings:Struggling to live a new normal life among Chinese women after losing an only child emerged as the substantive theory.It consists of three phases:living in agony,coming to terms,being alive in a new way.Receiving support motivated them to deal with such a loss.However,it brought them back to the previous phase(s)whenever they encountered adverse triggering situations.Therefore,they moved back and forth between these phases.The findings also illustrated that this process was profoundly affected by Chinese culture and personal beliefs.Conclusions:This substantive theory may guide nursing practice based on understanding the living process by working through the three phases.It would help develop a professional care plan recognizing individual diversity and incorporating socio-cultural and religious knowledge to effectively support women to deal with the loss of an only child.
Objectives:While receptive art engagement is known to promote health and wellbeing,active art engagement has not been fully explored in health and nursing care.
不知怎么的,我患上了失眠症,半年来没睡过一晚好觉。晚上休息不好,白天就没有精神,因此工作常出差错。我非常苦恼,同事们也为我着急,劝我快找医生治疗。可是,我找了许多医生,吃了一大堆药,依然不见好转。   这事不知怎么传到老家,让父亲知道了。父亲打电话告诉我,说他有一种药,医治失眠非常灵。父亲不是医生,也从来没给人治过病,能有什么好药呢?我将信将疑,但还是在上个周末回了老家。   吃过晚饭,父亲叫我说