建设新苏南 再创新业绩

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9月下旬,在苏南地区加快转型的关键时刻,江苏省委、省政府在苏州召开苏南工作会议,南京、苏州、无锡、常州、镇江苏南五市的党政主要领导,各开发区、高校以及苏南各县(市、区)主要负责同志等近300人出席了会议。这是继2001年苏南区域发展座谈会后的又一次专题研究苏南发展的重要会议,这是进一步解放思想,深入贯彻落实科学发展观的重要举措,意义重大,影响深远。改革开放以来,以苏、锡、常及其所辖市(县)为主的苏南板块,大力发展乡镇工业和实行开放型经济,曾经创造了令世人瞩目的“苏南模式”。现在,在苏南经济实现从重点发展向优化发展转型的关键时刻,他们又适时地提出了建设现代化新苏南的奋斗目标,自觉肩负起向率先基本实现现代化迈进的新的历史使命。如今,苏南的发展又站在新的历史起点上,现代化新苏南的宏伟目标正在激励着苏南人奋勇向前。作为苏南板块先行者的苏州又将如何作为?中共江苏省委常委、苏州市委书记王荣同志的文章值得一读。 In late September, at the crucial juncture of accelerating the transition in southern Jiangsu, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Government held a conference on the work of the southern Jiangsu Province in Suzhou. The major leaders of the party and government in Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Nearly 300 people, including leading universities and colleges, and chief responsible comrades in counties (cities and districts) in southern Jiangsu Province, attended the meeting. This is another important study on the development of southern Jiangsu following the 2001 Southern Jiangsu Regional Development Symposium. This is an important measure to further emancipate our minds and thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development. It is of great significance and profound influence. Since the reform and opening up, the southern Jiangsu section, dominated by the cities (counties) under its jurisdiction, has made great efforts to develop township industries and implement an open economy and has created the “southern model” which has attracted world attention. At a crucial juncture now that the economy in southern Jiangsu has made the transition from key development to optimal development, they have put forth in time the goal of building a new southern Jiangsu and consciously shouldered the new historic mission of taking the lead in basically realizing modernization. Today, the development of southern Jiangsu stands at a new historical starting point. The grand goal of modernizing southern Jiangsu is inspiring the people of southern Jiangsu to make a bold move forward. As a forerunner of southern Jiangsu plate Suzhou how to do? The CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Suzhou Municipal Committee Comrade Wang Rong's article worth reading.
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香港回归十年来,“一国两制”取得了成功,香港继续保持繁荣稳定发展的局面,与内地的关系逐步走向和谐    国家认同感稳步上扬    英国自1842年割占香港岛以来,在香港实行了长达一个半世纪的殖民统治中华人民共和国成立前后,英国为了将香港与内地分隔开来,巩固自己的殖民统治,在港进行了一系列紧急部署1948年,修订教育条例1949年,先后颁布实施《移民管制条例》《社团登记条例》《人口登记条例》和《紧急
(一)提高领导干部的科技素质是现代科技飞速发展的客观要求 现代科学技术的飞速发展,极大地推动了社会、经济的发展,人类的生活发生了巨大的变迁。21世纪初,还将要出现更多的科技成