,Jet Energy Shift due to Non-Perturbative QCD Effects in p+p Collisions Studied with PYTHIA

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxs
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Utilizing PYTHIA we study non-pertubative QCD effects to jet transverse momentum shift in hadronic collisions at the RHIC and the LHC.The dependences of non-perturbative effects such as hadronization corrections and underlying event effect on jet radius R,colliding energy,color factor,transverse momentum are investigated by numerical simulations.Hadronization corrections give a negative contribution to the jet energy shift and its magnitude decreases with jet ET and colliding energy √s as well as jet radius R.However,the underlying event effect gives a positive contribution to the jet energy shift and its contribution increases with jet radius and √s.Hadronization and underlying event effect offset each other and could be canceled completely at a specific jet radius dubbed RNP=0.It is observed that RNP=0 decreases with colliding energy √s and is larger for a gluon jet than a quark jet at any fixed ET.
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