
来源 :上海科技翻译 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oracle_1984
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翻译理论与实践的关系可以说是翻译研究中永恒的话题。对此 ,不同时期内涵不尽相同。这个问题大体包含两个方面 :需要建立和运用怎样的翻译理论以及翻译理论如何联系实际。上世纪 90年代以来 ,我国翻译理论研究的力度加大 ,成果涌现 ,各色国外译论也纷纷登上我国译坛 ,这为讨论前一个问题提供了重要的背景。同时 ,我国对外文化经济交流更加活跃 ,口笔译实务大增 ,这使后一个问题的讨论有了广泛的基础。这次讨论缘起于 2 0 0 2年 8月在上海华东师范大学举行的英汉语对比与翻译国际研讨会。大会刚落下帷幕 ,人去席散 ,会场侧厅的一角却响起讨论翻译理论与实践关系问题的声音。参加面对面讨论的有刘宓庆、杨自俭、郭建中、方梦之、林克难、王印宏、周领顺等人。讨论由扬州大学外国语学院副教授、硕士生导师周领顺发起。接着 ,本刊特约周先生组织以下 9位著名教授的讨论稿。我们的讨论不是为了统一观点 ,而是为不同学术见解的争鸣和争论提供一个平台 ,但求活跃思想 ,沟通理义 ,向真理性认识前进一步。讨论将继续下去 ,竭诚欢迎广大读者、翻译工作者、教师和翻译理论研究者奉献真知灼见。 The relationship between translation theory and practice can be said to be an eternal topic in translation studies. In this regard, different connotations are not the same. This question generally contains two aspects: what kind of translation theory needs to be established and applied, and how translation theory relates to reality. Since the 90s of the last century, the study of translation theory in our country has been intensified and the achievements have emerged. Various foreign translation theories have also boarded the forums of our country. This provides an important background for discussing the previous issue. At the same time, our country’s cultural and economic exchanges with foreign countries have become more dynamic and the practice of oral translation and translation has greatly increased. This has provided a broad basis for the discussion on the latter issue. This discussion originated from the International Conference on English-Chinese Contrast and Translation held at Shanghai East China Normal University in August 2002. The conference just came to an end, and when people went there, the corner of the hall side of the hall sounded the voice of discussing the relationship between translation theory and practice. To participate in face-to-face discussions are Liu Qing, Yang Zijian, Guo Jianzhong, Fang Meng Zhi, Link Ke, Wang Yin Wang, Zhou Lishun et al. The discussion was initiated by Zhou Lishun, associate professor and master tutor at Yangzhou University. Then, the special week Mr. Zhou organized the following nine famous professor’s discussion paper. Our discussion is not aimed at unifying our views. Instead, we provide a platform for the debate and controversy of different academic opinions. However, we should seek active thinking, communicate reason and move forward toward understanding the truth. Discussions will continue, and we sincerely welcome the readers, translators, teachers and researchers of translation theory to offer their insights.
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