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由中国科学院广州能源研究所承担的国家“863计划”项目——“生物质水相催化合成生物航空燃油”取得重要进展,有望使我国率先掌握纤维素生物航空燃油生产技术。研究人员以秸秆等木质纤维素类生物质及木薯等非粮生物质为原料,研发出了高水热稳定的水相化学催化材料及水相合成反应器,形成了拥有自主知识产权的生物质水相化学催化合成生物航空燃油成套技术及装置,设计建成了世界首座 The important progress made by the “863 Program” project undertaken by the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Research under the CAS of China - “Bio-fuel Catalytic Synthesis of Bio-aviation Fuels by Biomass” is expected to make China take the lead in mastering cellulose bio-aviation fuel production technology. Using lignocellulosic biomass such as straw and non-grain biomass such as cassava as raw materials, the researchers developed a highly hydrothermal stable aqueous catalytic chemical material and a water-phase synthesis reactor to form biomass with independent intellectual property Water phase catalytic chemical synthesis of bio-aviation fuel technology and devices, designed and built the world’s first