
来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rewyuh
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“胶东明珠”威海市位于山东半岛最东端,辖三市一区和两个开发区,总面积5436平方公里,总人口245.1万。改革开放以来,全市的经济和社会各项事业全面发展,成为全国首批综合经济实力50强和投资硬环境40优城市,是我国第一个“国家卫生城市”、首批“国家园林城市”、“国家环保模范城市”、“中国优秀旅游城市”,被联合国确定为全球改善人居环境最佳范例。江泽民总书记为威海亲笔题词“红瓦绿树,碧海蓝天,扬威奋进,前景广阔”。利用得天独厚的条件,威海卫生事业在改革中发展,在探索中奋进,进入了全面振兴的新时期。 “Jiadong Pearl” Weihai City is located at the easternmost point of the Shandong Peninsula, which administers three districts and one district and two development zones. It has a total area of ​​5,436 square kilometers and a total population of 2,451,000. Since the reform and opening up, the city’s economic and social undertakings have developed in an all-round way. It has become the first batch of top 50 cities with comprehensive economic strength and hard environment for investment. It is China’s first “National Sanitary City” and the first “National Garden City”. The “National Model City for Environmental Protection” and “China’s Outstanding Tourism City” have been identified by the United Nations as the best example of global improvement of the human settlement environment. General Secretary Jiang Zemin wrote an inscription for Weihai: “Red tiles and green trees, blue sea and blue sky, and Yangon’s forging ahead with a bright future”. Utilizing unique conditions, Weihai’s health undertakings have developed in the course of reforms, forged ahead in exploration, and entered a new era of full revitalization.
有人说,我的学习成绩好;也有人说,我的人缘不错;还有人说……  其实,要是向我请教,我也说不出更多什么,只不过有一条我倒可以给大家好好介绍一下:这就是我常常给自己“写”信,自己与自己对话。  我的体会就是,常给自己“写”信,还真有不少的好处!  一次,我和同桌兼好友阿强闹僵了。原因是我无意中用圆珠笔在阿强的新衣服上画了一道,可阿强却借故打了我的头一下。俗话说,打人不打脸,揭人不揭短。小样的,你故意
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医疗纠纷的产生是错综复杂的,如何正确处理是当前各医疗单位值得注意的问题。笔者就此谈一粗浅看法。 1 认真接待,掌握来访者的心态 近年来,根据卫生行政部门的统计,医疗纠
修梅镇中学共有留守学生40 8名,占在校学生的45%左右,其父母大多在沿海发达地区务工,平常通过电话联系留守子女,而委托监护人只能从生活上照料这些未成年人,在思想品行、学业
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