剧组里的“苦孩子” 在《秦颂》中有位工作人员既是演员,又是美工师,可干的都是“粗活”,他就是与大画家同名的张大千。 这位张大千在片中扮演凶蛮的刽子手,由于得罪了小嬴政,当天晚上就被小嬴政活埋了。拍摄时,赤着上身的张大千被两个小演员拖了一段路,然后被扔进二尺深的大坑里,最后还要在坑里猫着,做出大汉被活埋后有动静的效果。尽管这个镜头加起来不超过五分钟,可他遭的罪一点也不少。 做美工师也不轻松。火烧村庄那场戏临时决
The “bitter boy” in the film crew in “Qin Song” has a staff member who is both an actress and an artist. What can be done is “crude”, and he is the same name as Zhang Daqian. Zhang Daqian plays a brutal executioner in the film, and was offended by a small government, the same day was buried in a small government. Shooting, bare-bodied Zhang Daqian dragged a long way by two little actors, and then was thrown into the two-foot deep pit, and finally in the pit with a cat, make the Han was buried alive after the effect. Although this lens does not add up to more than five minutes, but he suffered a little bit of sin. Be a beauty artist is not easy. Fire village that scene temporarily decided