加强颈椎人工间盘置换术适应证研究 降低异位骨化发生率

来源 :中华医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xieqi509
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颈椎人工间盘置换术(CADR)后异位骨化(HO)、假体周围骨形成(PBF)是影响手术节段活动能力的主要因素。术前手术节段退变的严重程度是HO和PBF发生发展的最主要因素。只有完善对椎间盘(包括高度、运动幅度、骨赘形成)、钩椎关节、小关节退变的评价体系,规范手术适应证,才能从根本上减少HO和PBF的发生和发展。应用新型解剖型假体、改进手术技术,也是减少HO和PBF发生发展的重要因素。“,”Heterotopic ossification(HO) and progressive bone formation(PBF) are main factors affecting the motion ability of target segments after cervical artificial disc replacement(CADR).The severity of pre-operative degeneration of target segment is the most important factor in the occurrence and progression of HO and PBF. The occurrence and progression of HO and PBF can be reduced basically through the improvement of degeneration evaluation system for intervertebral disc (including height, range of motion and osteophyte formation), uncovertebral joint and facet joint and standardization of surgical indication. The application of new anatomical prosthesis and improved surgical technique are also important factors to reduce the occurrence and development of HO and PBF.