本文为28年间我院所收治的9例女阴与阴道恶性黑色素瘤,其中2例为阴道黑色素瘤,占女阴、阴道恶性肿瘤的6.5%。8例病灶超过直径2厘米。6例病灶浸润深度超过 Chung Ⅰ级以上。治疗方式以广泛女阴切除和双侧腹股沟淋巴结摘除术为主,有些病例还加用了化学药物、免疫等综合治疗。本组患者预后差,无1例存活5年,平均存活16.4月。文中对女阴、阴道黑色素瘤的生存率和原发病灶的部位、大小、病灶浸润深度和处理方式的关系进行了讨论.
This article for the 28 years in our hospital admitted to 9 cases of vaginal and vaginal malignant melanoma, of which 2 cases of vaginal melanoma, accounting for 6.5% of female vagina, vaginal cancer. 8 cases more than 2 cm in diameter. The infiltration depth of 6 cases exceeded Chung Ⅰ level. Treatment of a wide range of female genital hernia and bilateral inguinal lymph node dissection mainly in some cases also added chemicals, immunotherapy and other comprehensive treatment. This group of patients with poor prognosis, no one case of survival 5 years, the average survival of 16.4 months. In this paper, the relationship between the survival rate of the vulva and vaginal melanoma, the location of the primary lesion, the size, the depth of the lesion and the treatment is discussed.