患者 ,男 ,52岁 ,因腰部及右腿疼痛 4个月于 2 0 0 0年 7月 10日入院。既往健康。查体 :痛苦面容 ,心肺未闻及异常 ,腹平软 ,无压痛 ,未及明显包块 ,肝、脾于肋下未及 ,移动性浊音 (- )。腰椎无明显侧弯 ,活动范围受限 ,L5S1棘突右侧压痛 ,并右下肢放射痛 ,右臀肌张力减低 ,
The patient, male, 52 years old, was admitted to hospital on July 10, 2000 due to pain in his waist and right leg for 4 months. Past health. Physical examination: Painful face, unheard of abnormalities in heart and lung, abdomen soft, no tenderness, no obvious mass, liver and spleen under the ribs, mobile dullness (-). There was no significant lateral curvature of the lumbar spine and the range of motion was limited. The L5S1 spinous process had tenderness on the right side and radial pain on the right lower limb, and the right gluteal muscle tension was reduced.