Use of color Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of anomalous connection in pancreatobiliary di

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huziao
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AIM: To estimate the detectability of anomalous connection in pancreatobiliary disease (ACPBD) cases, measuring gallbladder wall blood flow (GWBF). METHODS: In the retrospective study, we enrolled 42 subjects with gallbladder wall thickening. GWBF velocity was determined as an average value of the peak velocity of color signals on the gallbladder wall, three times in each case. Based on the findings on endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), the 42 subjects were divided into 11 cases with ACPBD and 31 cases without ACPBD, In the prospective study, the subjects were 92 cases with gallbladder wall thickening. Using the cut-off level of the flow velocity obtained in the retrospective study, the usefulness of measuring GWBF velocity in diagnosing ACPBD was evaluated. RESULTS: In the retrospective study, imaging of GWBF was obtained in 40 of the 42 subjects. The mean GWBF velocity of the ACPBD cases was 29.4±3.9 cm/s (mean±SD), which was significantly different (P<0.0001; 95% CI 5.48-13.2) from that of the without ACPBD cases (20.1±5.9 cm/s). Based on this result, we prepared a receiver operating characteristic curve, and the cut-off level appropriate for diagnosing ACPBD was estimated to be 25 cm/s. In the prospective study, GWBF was detected in 86 of the 92 subjects. Based on the EUS or ERCP findings, the 92 subjects were divided into 15 cases with ACPBD and 77 cases without ACPBD. When a cut-off level of 25 cm/s was employed, ACPBD could be diagnosed with a sensitivity of 87.0% (13/15) and a specificity of 87.3% (62/71). CONCLUSION: Meas urement of GWBF velocity, which is less invasive and provides objective values, is very useful for diagnosing ACPBD prior to the development of malignant tumors in cases with gallbladder wall thickening. AIM: To estimate the detectability of anomalous connection in pancreatobiliary disease (ACPBD) cases, measuring gallbladder wall blood flow (GWBF). METHODS: In the retrospective study, we enrolled 42 subjects with gallbladder wall thickening. GWBF velocity was determined as an average value of the peak velocity of color signals on the gallbladder wall, three times in each case. Based on the findings on endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), the 42 subjects were divided into 11 cases with ACPBD and 31 cases without ACPBD, In the prospective study, the subjects were 92 cases with gallbladder wall thickening. Using the cut-off level of the flow velocity obtained in the retrospective study, the usefulness of measuring GWBF velocity in diagnosed ACPBD was evaluated. RESULTS: In the retrospective The mean GWBF velocity of the ACPBD cases was 29.4 ± 3.9 cm / s (mean ± SD), which was was significantly different (P <0.0001; 95% CI 5.48-13.2) from that of the without ACPBD cases (20.1 ± 5.9 cm / s). Based on this result, we prepared a receiver operating characteristic curve, and the cut-off level appropriate For the diagnosis of ACPBD was estimated to be 25 cm / s. In the prospective study, GWBF was detected in 86 of the 92 subjects. Based on the EUS or ERCP findings, the 92 subjects were divided into 15 cases with ACPBD and 77 cases without ACPBD . When ACPBD was diagnosed with a sensitivity of 87.0% (13/15) and a specificity of 87.3% (62/71). CONCLUSION: Meas urement of GWBF velocity, which is less invasive and provides objective values, is very useful for diagnosing ACPBD prior to the development of malignant tumors in cases with gallbladder wall thickening.
MZQ·SJM-1.2B灭菌器具有自动化程度高、操作简便、灭菌时间短等优点而被多数医院采用,但由于水质和水压使用不当而引起的故障时有发生,现将其维修和改进方面做一介绍。 MZQ
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清早,我刚睁开蒙眬的睡眼,就听见小鸟在窗前的柿子树上“叽叽喳喳”地叫个不停。我急忙穿好衣服跑出门外,循声望去:“哇!好可愛的一只小鸟。”  只见它一身乌黑的羽毛,在晨曦中泛着油亮亮的光泽。腹部雪白的茸羽,像穿了一件贴身的白衬衫;圆圆的头上伸着一张尖尖的嘴。一双透亮机敏的眼睛,镶嵌在黑白相间的头两侧,让人一看就心生欢喜。它还有一条又长又直黑得发亮的尾巴,极像清朝大臣们官帽后面的花翎。它那悦耳的叫声,