刘国恩万里迢迢从美国的北卡罗莱那大学来到北京,因为他所 从事的健康经济学研究是经济学领域里的一大热门,这个学科 毕业的学生在美国市场上炙手可热。尽管很多国人对“健康经 济学”这个名称还很陌生,但如火如荼的医疗体制改革使得很多地方对这门新兴学科的人才求贤若渴。在这种形势下,北大光华管理学院经过三番五次的游说,终于把刘国恩请了回来。目前,他正在这家学院的一间办公室里,筹办着在中国最高学府建立具国际水准的健康经济及管理学系(Dept.of Health Eco-nomics & Management)。
Liu Guoen Miles from Beijing University of the United States came to Beijing, because he engaged in health economics research is a hot area of economics, graduates of this discipline are hot in the United States market. Although many people are still unfamiliar with the term “health economics,” the heated reform of the medical system has made many people desperate for this emerging subject. In this situation, Peking University Guanghua School of Management after lobbying time and time again, finally Liu Guoen invited back. Currently, he is planning to establish Dept.of Health Eco-nomics & Management at the highest institution in China in an office at this college.