针对庞庞塔煤矿断面达7.8 m的留顶煤切眼的支护难题,采用桁架锚索支护系统对综放切眼进行支护。通过实验室理论分析和相似条件下的工程类比法,确定了桁架锚索主动支护系统的锚索长度、锚索角度、孔口帮距等主要支护参数,最终确定了合理的支护设计方案。该支护方案在庞庞塔10101综放工作面试验取得成功,为相似地质条件下的厚层破碎煤层开采提供了借鉴经验。
In view of the difficult supporting problem of cutting open top coal whose cross section of Pangpata coal mine reaches 7.8 m, truss cable support system is used to support the fully mechanized caving cut. Through the analysis of laboratory theory and engineering analogy under similar conditions, the main support parameters such as the length of anchor cable, the angle of anchor cable and the helical distance of the hole were determined, and the reasonable support design Program. The support scheme has been successfully tested in Pompidar 10101 fully mechanized top coal caving face, providing experience for the mining of thick and broken coal seam under similar geological conditions.