Mirror Island

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  角色: N-Narrator, Wm-Wilma, Wf:-Wilf, B- Biff, Cp-Chip, CC-Captain Crow
  适用年级: 小学六年级
   本剧是依据新编《典范5A》Lesson 20 Mirror Island而改编的。故事环节跌宕起伏,这是孩子们上完课后自主改编的故事,以学生的眼光来认知世界,讲道理。
  Scene1:  At home
  N: Chip was busy drawing at home. Wilf and Wilma came to play. Chip had made a pattern. He showed it to Wilf and Wilma.
  Wf: What is it?
  Wm: (puzzled) It looks like a word.
  Cp: Come up to my room, then I can show you.
  N: Chip put a mirror on the paper. The pattern said “Chip” in mirror writing. Biff wanted to do some mirror writing but Chip had run out of paper.  Biff went to her room to get some paper. The magic key was glowing. It was time for an adventure.
  B: Come here, everybody.
  Scene2 Met Captain Crow
  N: (播放魔法声音) The magic took the children to an island.
  Wm (excited): Oh, how beautiful!
  B: We have been here before. And we met some pirates. Will we meet them again?
  Wm: (Wilma walked alone. She saw some foot prints on the sand.)
  Come and look! There must be someone on the island.
  Wf: (指向树林) Is that…?
  Cp: What’s up? But we can’t see anything.
  B: (scared) He’s behind you! (A man saw them and ran to them.)
  He looks fierce. Run for it. (They began to run.)
  CC: (Yelled) Stop children. Come back. (Then he stopped and began to cry. The children came back.)
  Wm: Why are you crying, what’s the matter?
  CC: Do I frighten you?
  B: Yes. You look so fierce and you have such long hair. We are afraid of you.
  CC: (wondered) I don’t look that bad, do I?
  Cp: Yes, I have a mirror, you can look in it.
  CC: (screamed) Oh, no. I look terrible. No wonder you were frightened. Sorry, I am sorry. (Then he began to cry again.)
  Wf: Don’t cry. Why are you alone here? What happened on you?
  CC: Now sit. Let me tell you my story. My name is Captain Crow. I’ve been alone for ten month and six day. My crew took the ship.
  Wf: Why did they do that?
  CC: We came here for the treasure, but I couldn’t find the treasure.
  They said I was useless.
  Cp: (angry) Oh, they were too bad. But why couldn’t you find the treasure?
  CC: That’s because l couldn’t understand the treasure map. I will show you. Let’s go.
  Scene3  Help Captain Crow to find the treasure
  CC: (从腰中掏出地图) Look! This is the map that my great-grandfather gave me. It looks odd. I couldn’t understand it. I don’t know whether it is because I am old and silly or it is really very strange. Ah… (长叹一口气并抱头蹲在一边)   B: Don’t be sad. We can help you. Look at these funny words. What do they mean? Chip, do you know?
  Cp: I think I understand it. It’s in mirror writing. Captain Crow, I will put the mirror on the map, then you can read the writing.
  CC: That’s amazing! It says ‘Here lies the treasure.’(手舞足踏地跑向林中)
  Wf: Where are you going? Don’t run! Don’t leave us!
  CC: I can’t wait. I am going to get my spade.
  Wm: Come on! (向后招手,向前跑) It looks as if we have some digging to do! Hurry up.
  CC: (手拿铲子) This is the place to dig. Here or there? Oh… It says ‘The tree on the right which has no leaves.(看着地图说).
  Wf: Are you sure? You know the place to dig, but we don’t know. You are a useful captain, I think.
  Wm: Captain Crow, you have spent a lot of time on digging. So is it the real place to dig?
  Cp: Of course, please trust on my mirror, the map and Captain Crow. They are all reliable.
  CC: Oh, my spade can hit a wooden box. I’ve found the treasure. Thanks to you and your mirror. (抱出箱子)
  Wf: See, Wilma! Captain Crow has found the treasure! Brilliant!
  Wm: Yeah. He is powerful, isn’t he?
  CC: Let’s open the chest together.
  Everyone( gasped ): WOW! The chest is full of sparkling gold and silver.
  How beautiful.
  CC: Hooray! I’m rich! (痴迷地抱着箱子) Let me count! One, two, three…
  Wm: Look, there is an old letter in it.
  (All their eyes are on it. Captain Crow reads it.)
  CC: Now, you’ve found the treasure. You can use it to do some business or spend it quickly. That’s all your decision. But I want to tell you, money is good but not everything in your life. If you want your life to be colorful and fantastic; if you want the life you want, then you need to use these treasures carefully in a reasonable way. The life will be there by your decision, remember.
  Everyone: Ok, we got it.
  Scene4: Help Captain Crow to go home
  N: After they found the treasure, they saw a ship sailing on the sea.
  CC (hopeful): Come back!!!!Come and rescue me!
  Wm: It can’t hear you, that’s not loud enough!
  CC (excited): OH! We can shout together! It’s must be very loud! Come on, everyone!
  Everyone (very loud): Help! Help!
  Bf: It’s useless (unhappy). How about building a big “SOS” sign!! (Happily) It can see us more clearly!
  Cp: Yeah. That’s a fantastic idea! Let’s do it. (Draw a big SOS on the ground)
  Wf: Perfect! We’re saved!   N: They stood there for a long time, the ship was sailing past. They were nervous.
  CC: (hopeless and nervous): Oh, my god! I don’t want to live here anymore. Who can help me?
  N: Suddenly, the sunshine hits the mirror; the mirror flashed it at Chip.
  Cp: Ouch! The mirror hit me!! Wait a minute, the mirror! Yes, of course! The MIRROR! We were so stupid! We can use the mirror to flash it at the ship!
  Wm: Oh, yes! WE can use the mirror!
  Biff: Well done, CHIP!! I know you won’t let me down. Captain Crow, DO IT!
  CC(hopeful): Awesome, my dear!
  N: Captain Crow used the mirror to flash it at the ship, and the ship flashed back in a second. He cried because he was too happy.
  CC (happily): Thanks, children. Help me hide the treasure, and you can take some diamonds or gold from the box, I don’t care.
  B: Marvelous! I want a diamond!
  Wf: I want a cup made of gold.
  Wm: I want a ring. I want to give it to my mother!
  N: But Chip didn’t think so, he pushed the treasure box into the sand.
  Children (angry):Hey! What are you doing?
  Cp: You guys are too greedy! Be a good kid!
  ( The magic took them back home.退场)
  N: Captain Crow went on the ship, the children went home. What a happy ending.
  敖桂花(1984.8~) ,女,籍贯:江西省南城县 所在单位:苏州国际外语学校,职称:二级教师,研究方向:语感阅读法与学生口头表达能力研究。
  About the author:
  Ao Guihua , Aug. 1984/  1984.8,Female, Nancheng, Jiangxi,Suzhou International Foreign Language School,First-Grade Teacher (Primary School),A study on the method of language sense and the ability of students' oral expression
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在新课改下,如何面对每个英语学习困难的学困生?如何做好英语学困生的转化工作?相信这是令每位老师都很焦虑的问题,这也是我与每位同仁必须认真对待和研究的问题。在这方面我积累了一点做法,供大家借鉴。  一、善于与学困生交流  在课堂上,很多情况下,老师目光交流的对象是在上课的时候能跟老师呼应的学生,对于学习比较困难的学生,有些老师怕学生紧张不跟学生交流。你觉得是为了使他不尴尬,实际他心里觉得受到冷落。所