Dual-wavelength digital holographic phase reconstruction based on a polarizationmultiplexing configu

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l541306072
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We present a polarization-multiplexing off-axis Mach–Zehnder configuration for dual-wavelength digital holography to achieve phase imaging in one shot. In this configuration, two orthogonal linear-polarized waves with respect to different wavelengths are employed to record respective holograms synchronously, where two recording waves transmit independently through the same optical paths of the interferometer, and by installing two analyzer polarizers each to filter off either of two wavelengths, and filtering through the other, the holograms are acquired, respectively, by a pair of CCDs at the same time. The unwrapped phase image of a grating with groove depth 7.1 μm is retrieved via spatial frequency filtering. We present a polarization-multiplexing off-axis Mach-Zehnder configuration for dual-wavelength digital holography to achieve phase imaging in one shot. In this configuration, two orthogonal linear-polarized waves with respect to different wavelengths are employed to record respective holograms synchronously, where two recording waves transmit independently through the same optical paths of the interferometer, and by installing two analyzer polarizers each to filter off either of the two wavelengths, and filtering through the other, the holograms are acquired, respectively, by a pair of CCDs at the same unwrapped phase image of a grating with groove depth 7.1 μm was retrieved via spatial frequency filtering.
孔鼎是幸运的。 孔鼎的爷爷是以博古花卉蜚声画坛的我国著名画家孔小瑜先生。孔鼎的大伯孔伯容同样是一个大家,尤精牡丹,有“孔牡丹”之誉。二伯孔仲起现为中国美术学院教授
■大范围的欠发达地区开发不能搞“平衡发展”,必须选择若干重点地区、有步骤地推进欠发达地区的经济发展。 ■ Development of a wide range of underdeveloped areas can
沈晓明 (196 3- ) ,男 ,浙江上虞人。儿童保健学专家 ,中共党员。 1984年毕业于浙江温州医学院 ,1987年获该校儿科学硕士学位 ,1991年获上海第二医科大学儿科学博士学位。199
知道潘辉是从《准备》开始的,许多人都说他的声音与阿杜、杨坤很 像,他们沙哑的音质都略带沧桑。在我编排介绍潘辉的那期《音乐互动》节目时,原本想把潘辉与杨坤做一次比较