Accounting information regulation has a complex evolutionary process. The research in this paper argues that due to the structure of accounting information, the directional nature of the information and the diffusibility of the use of information, the number of accounting information control is limited. At the same time, due to the usefulness of the decision and signing Conflicts of reliability, endogenous limited accuracy of accounting information disclosure and business lag of information disclosure have brought the ambiguity of the quality standard of accounting information control. The effectiveness of control is the core of inadequate regulation and excessive regulation. The appropriateness should be reflected in the interests The relevant accounting information after a full game balance control, accounting information disclosure if you consider the level of accounting information control there is a possibility of the border. The analysis shows that limited effectiveness is the basic characteristic of accounting information control. The investigation of the effectiveness of accounting information regulation should pay attention to the defects and potentials of capital market at the same time.