英语中高级口译考试并不是证明你有多大的本事,只是反映你有多大的潜力。这个考试的理念是:帮助读过十几年书的人,积累了相当的英语知识和一定技能的人。“盘活变现”。学习英语的目的就是为了“变现”,为了与人交流,而不是积在肚子里,关键时刻却不能运用。当你真正把英语用于交流的时候,这不仅仅是你的知识问题,也不仅是技巧问题,还包括你的心理素质问题,你的综合能力问题。口语的3个关键点: No.1系统表述。中国人有一个错误的认识,把英语口语和“情景对话”(sltuatlonal dialogue)混为一谈。真正的口语用一个英语术语来说是“to talk at length”,即有一定长度的表述。例如:——Hi, How are you?——Fine,thanks,And you?——I’m fine, Thank you, By the way.what are youdoing now?
The Advanced Interpreter in English is not a skill that proves how much you are, but just how much you have potential. The concept of this exam is: to help read more than a dozen books, have accumulated considerable knowledge of English and skills of people. “Activate cash.” The purpose of learning English is to “cash”, in order to communicate with others, rather than plot in the stomach, the critical moment can not be used. When you really use English for communication, this is not just your knowledge problem, nor is it a matter of skill alone. It also includes your mental quality problems and your general ability problems. Oral 3 key points: No.1 system statement. The Chinese have a misconception that they confuse spoken English with “sltuatlonal dialogue.” The real spoken language is “to talk at length” in an English terminology, that is, there is a certain length of expression. For example: - Hi, How are you? - Fine, thanks, And you? - I’m fine, Thank you, By the way. What are youdoing now?