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“中国红歌会”是近年来电视屏幕上呈现的一档特殊节目,它借鉴了当前颇受关注的选秀形式,却赢得了与选秀节目迥然不同的评价。在一批低俗节目和不良广告被陆续叫停的同时,“中国红歌会”唱响了大众传媒走出低俗的先声。 “China Red Songs ” is a special program presented on television screens in recent years. It draws on the current popular form of the draft and wins a very different evaluation from the draft. At the same time as a series of vulgar programs and bad advertisements were halted one after another, “China Red Songs Club” sounded the first mass media out of vulgarity.
目的:研究Ashwagandha叶子提取物,对肿瘤的迁移和侵袭起到的作用及其发生的机制,并研究其对Mortalin诱导的乳腺癌上皮-间质转化的作用。  材料与方法:应用细胞迁移实验、微球体