奥博利·比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley,1872—1898年),生如夏花般的生命在最灿烂时嘎然而止,因为过早离开人间,留下惊世之作,被誉为世纪末的“怪诞天才”。艺无止境,生命短促,比亚兹莱在他有限的26岁短促生命里创作了大量风格别致、惹人争议的绝妙作品。今天重读比亚兹莱艺术,依然能感受到岁月洗不尽的惊奇唯美和诡异怪诞,不禁对这位线条大师的短暂传奇人生好奇不已。比亚兹莱的作品与其传奇的一生紧密相连,本文将通过他一生种种的经历来解读他的作品。
Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1988), life as a summer flower comes to a halt in the most splendid time because of the premature departure from the world, leaving a stunning, known as the end of the century “Grotesque genius ”. Endless Arts, Short-lived, Bi Ya Lai Lai in his limited 26-year-old short life created a large number of unique style, controversial wonderful works. Rereading Biya Levin art today, still able to feel the years of endless surprises Awe-inspiring and weird, can not help but curious about the legendary short life of this line master. Biazileh’s work is closely linked with his legendary life, this article will be through his life experience to interpret his work.