Objective To explore the value of endoscopic surgery in lateral skull base and bridge cerebellar angle. Methods From 2004 to 2008, 6 patients underwent endoscopic and microscopic surgery. Two patients had acoustic neuroma and one patient with Ménière’s disease underwent posterior vestibular nephrectomy and one petrous apexitis One case of petrous acervical cholesteatoma was translucent; 1 case of jugular bulb tumor by external auditory canal approach, the patient’s hearing and facial nerve function before and after surgery compared to pure tone threshold 0.5,1,2 , 4kHz mean airway hearing threshold, facial nerve function assessment according to House-Brackmann grading standards. Results All the patients underwent surgery successfully with no deaths. The tumors of 3 patients, inflammatory granulation of 1 patient and petrified cholesteatoma of 1 patient were all cut. Patients with Ménière’s disease had dizziness and tinnitus disappeared after operation; patients with jugular bulb tumor disappeared and their threshold increased slightly; one patient with acoustic neuroma had preserved preoperative hearing, and the other one had ear Hearing loss; rock sharp cholesteatoma, rock tip inflammatory granulation patients with no significant improvement in hearing. One case of acoustic neuroma posterior facial nerve function was grade Ⅱ, one month after surgery was grade Ⅰ; the other one case of preoperative nerve function was Ⅱ grade, six months after operation is still Ⅱ grade. The petrified cholesteatoma patients had grade Ⅵ neurovascular function before operation, grade Ⅵ 6 months after surgery and grade Ⅲ 4 years after operation. The function of facial nerve in the other 3 cases was grade Ⅰ. Conclusions Endoscopic assisted microsurgery to complete the lateral neck and bridge cerebellar angle surgery is conducive to broaden the field of vision, to avoid damage to the normal structure and cranial nerves, as much as possible to preserve the function of the auditory and facial nerve.