双城市经济以农业为主,现有水田面积0.44万ha.友谊渠灌区担负着整个双城市水田的供水任务.所以管理好灌区建筑物确保建筑物的安全,完整,充分发挥建筑物和水资源的综合效益,对整个双城市经济持续稳定的发展起着举足轻重的作用.笔者认为,要从以下几个方面抓好灌区建筑物管理:1 加强对建筑物的检查观测灌区建筑物经常受到各种荷载的作用和外界因素的影响,其状态及工作情况不断发生变化,所以必须进行重点的检查观测,主要内容有:
The economy of Shuangcheng is dominated by agriculture and the existing paddy field covers an area of 0.44 million ha. Youyi Ditch Irrigation District is responsible for the water supply task of paddy fields in Shuangcheng City. Therefore, the management of irrigation district buildings ensures the safety and integrity of buildings and gives full play to buildings and water resources Of the overall efficiency of the entire double city economy sustained and stable development plays a decisive role.I believe that we should do a good job from the following aspects of irrigation building management: 1 to strengthen the inspection of buildings and structures often irrigated by the various buildings The role of load and the impact of external factors, the status and work conditions continue to change, it is important to observe the observations, the main contents are: