患者,女,39岁,半年前出现下腹部不适,伴腰酸、白带增多且呈脓性,偶有经间期出血等症状。曾两次间断口服甲硝唑0.2 g,qid,疗程10~14 d,但第2次服用甲硝唑约1个月,治疗效果不佳,仍有腰酸和阴道出血现象。于2013年11月25日来我院就诊。经宫颈管分泌物培养示支原体阳性,诊断为非淋菌性宫颈炎。患者及家族既往无药物和食物过敏史。嘱患者停用
Patients, female, 39 years old, appeared lower abdomen discomfort six months ago, with backache, vaginal discharge increased and purulent, occasional menstrual bleeding and other symptoms. Had two intermittent oral metronidazole 0.2 g, qid, treatment 10 ~ 14 d, but the second taking metronidazole about 1 month, the treatment effect is poor, there are still backache and vaginal bleeding. November 25, 2013 came to our hospital. Mycoplasma positive by cervical canal secretion culture, diagnosis of non-gonococcal cervicitis. Patients and families never had previous history of drug and food allergies. Zhu Huanzhe disabled