鼻源性头痛指因鼻腔鼻窦局部病变引起的头痛。传统的治疗方法侧重局部病变切除 ,但常因破坏正常解剖结构而出现相应的并发症 ,且由于相邻病变未能去除 ,复发率高。随着内窥镜技术的发展和对鼻腔鼻窦解剖生理的认识 ,鼻部手术已注重保持原有功能。近年 ,我们应用鼻内窥镜手术治
Nasal headache refers to the headache caused by local lesions of the nasal sinuses. The traditional treatment methods focus on the removal of local lesions, but often due to the destruction of the normal anatomy and the corresponding complications, and because adjacent lesions can not be removed, the recurrence rate. With the development of endoscopic techniques and understanding of anatomy and physiology of nasal sinuses, nasal surgery has been focused on maintaining its original function. In recent years, we applied endoscopic sinus surgery