5月21日,“201 5年人头马SGCU慈善杯团体预赛暨上海业余高尔夫排名赛资格赛”在众多高球人士和慈善界的关注下,在上海旭宝高尔夫俱乐部圆满落幕。上海高尔夫爱心联盟18支新老球队,共360余位选手及嘉宾演绎了一场精彩的高尔夫赛事。最终温商队以两轮1238杆的总成绩成为今年预赛霸主,江南队则以1276杆屈居第二,第三名被卫冕冠军优仕队以1285杆
May 21, “201 5 Remy Martin SGCU charity team preliminaries cum Shanghai Amateur Golf Championship qualifying ” In the attention of many golfers and the charity community, Shanghai Xu Bao Golf Club ended successfully. Shanghai Golf Love Union 18 new and old teams, a total of more than 360 players and guests performed a wonderful golf tournament. The final temperature of the team to two rounds of 1238 total score to become the predictor of this year’s preeminence, Jiangnan team to 1276 second place, the third place is the defending champion You Shi team to 1285