当前,在企业升级中,如何做好设备管理升级已经成为一项重要工作,是一个急需探讨和回答的课题。笔者结合沈阳市建材局企业设备管理升级工作的实践,就如何做好企业设备管理升级工作谈点拙见。 一、开展企业设备管理升级必须正确认识和处理好几个关系 根据国务院《设备管理条例》规定的方针和任务,我们认为要使企业的设备管理不断地上等级和上水平,企业的主管部门,特别是企业的领导者和各级干部必须正确认识和处理好以下三个关系:
At present, in the enterprise upgrade, how to do a good job in equipment management and upgrade has become an important task, and it is an issue that needs to be discussed and answered urgently. The author combined with the practice of enterprise equipment management and upgrading of Shenyang Building Materials Bureau, and talked about how to do a good job in enterprise equipment management and upgrading. 1. To carry out the upgrade of enterprise equipment management, we must correctly understand and handle several relationships. According to the guidelines and tasks set by the “Regulations on the Administration of Equipment” of the State Council, we believe that the equipment management of enterprises must be continuously upgraded to the next level. The competent department of the enterprise, especially The leaders of enterprises and cadres at all levels must correctly understand and handle the following three relationships: