1990年8月23日,浙江龙游县石佛乡石佛村一村民在建屋掘基时,发现窖藏在一黑釉直口陶罐内的金杯4只。罐口用青砖封闭,出士时罐中充满了水,4只金杯完好无损。现介绍如下: 1式2件。敞口,宽沿,方唇,弧腹内收,喇叭形细高足,圜底。口作七瓣莲花形,腹及足相对应呈瓜棱状。口沿和足部分别针刻花蕊纹一周。足底均镌“天启六年季春月佘荣四六置吉旦”。两件大小形同,内底分别錾刻正书“元”和“亨”。高10、口
On August 23, 1990, a villager at Shifo Village, Shifo Township, Longyou County, Zhejiang Province, found 4 gold cups in a black glaze straight mouth earthenware jar when building his house. Tank mouth closed with brick, when the tank full of water, four gold cup intact. Are introduced as follows: 1 type 2. Open, wide, lip, arc abdomen, trumpet-shaped foot, 圜 bottom. Ipomoea seven-petal-shaped, belly and foot corresponding melon-shaped edge. The mouth along the foot and needle stitch week pattern. Plantar are engraved “Apocalypse six years of spring month Sheh Rong four Liujian ”. Two pieces of the same size, in the end were engraved with the book “Yuan ” and “Heng ”. High 10, mouth