患者,男,14岁。因反复发热、咳嗽咳痰20 d入院。入院后胸部CT(图1)提示左前纵隔占位,考虑畸胎瘤,肿瘤压迫左上肺,致部分肺不张。左肺内少许感染。患者于2014年11月11日在全身麻醉下行VAST辅助左前外侧切口左前纵隔肿块+左上肺楔形切除术,术中见左前纵隔肿块,大小
Patient, male, 14 years old. Due to repeated fever, cough and sputum admission 20 d. Post-hospital chest CT (Figure 1) prompted the left anterior mediastinum, consider teratoma, tumor oppression of the left upper lung, resulting in some atelectasis. A little infection in the left lung. Patients underwent VAST-assisted left anterior lateral incision of the left mediastinum mass plus left upper pulmonary wedge resection under general anesthesia on November 11, 2014. See the left anterior mediastinum mass, size