湖北省枣阳市是省杂交水稻制种基地,1994年全市杂交水稻制种面积8500亩,平均单产222.5公斤,总产190万公斤。其中超高产制种面积320亩,分布在平林、吴店、刘升三个乡镇。经测产得知:亩有效穗20.6万,穗总粒114.26粒,穗实粒47.56粒,平均结实率为41.6%、千粒重按26克计算,平均单产2547.5公斤。在原来杂交水稻制种的基础上,重点强化以下五个方面: 1 优化配方施肥即“重施底肥、增施农家肥、巧施追肥。”底肥全部要求每亩75公斤复合肥(氮:磷:钾含量为12:8:5),碳酸氢铵35公斤,农家肥60担,一次性投入。用好两次追肥:一是在晒田复水后每亩追尿素10公斤,钾肥10公斤;二是在幼穗分化5~6期亩追氯化
Zaoyang City, Hubei Province is the provincial hybrid rice seed production base in 1994, the city’s hybrid rice seedling area of 8500 mu, the average yield of 222.5 kilograms, a total output of 1.9 million kilograms. One super-high-yielding seed production area of 320 acres, located in Pinglin, Wu shop, Liu Sheng three towns. According to the measured output, there were 206,000 mu of effective ears per ear, 114.26 ears of panicle grains, 47.56 ears of panicle grains, and an average seed set rate of 41.6%. The average grain yield was 2547.5 kilograms per thousand kernel weight. On the basis of the original hybrid rice seed production, the following five aspects should be emphasized: 1) Optimizing formula fertilization means “re-applying base fertilizer, increasing manure and applying top-dressing.” The base fertilizer all requires 75 kg of compound fertilizer : Phosphorus: potassium content of 12: 8: 5), ammonium bicarbonate 35 kilograms, peasant fertilizer 60 Tam, a one-time investment. Make good use of two top-dressing: First, 10 kg of urea and 10 kg of potassium per mu after sunning rehydration; Second, in the panicle differentiation of 5 to 6 acres of chasing chlorination