
来源 :三江学院学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kamomoo
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本文运用“系统比较法”研究汉语言文字,对汉语词汇的语音、语义、字形这三者的异同搭配进行系统考察,分析了词与词之间的联系和区别,理清了汉语言文字学领域中一系列易于混淆的概念。为古代汉语、现代汉语对外汉语教学中的教学与研究有着非常必要、大有益处的借鉴作用。 This paper uses “system comparison method” to study Chinese language, systematically examines the similarities and differences between the three languages ​​of Chinese vocabulary, such as phonetics, semantics and glyphs, analyzes the relationship and difference between words and words, clarifies the Chinese language A series of confusing concepts in the field of philology. For the ancient Chinese, modern Chinese teaching Chinese as a foreign language teaching and research is very necessary, useful for reference.
张万荣(1895年一1949年),乳名万寿,字仁甫,太原市尖草坪区宇文村人。父亲为太原粮店工人,母亲略有文才,对子女读书十分关心,并亲授学业。张万荣在母亲教导和支持下,读私塾,粗通经史。  宇文,鲜卑族,复姓。相传明代鲜卑族姓宇文者曾在此居住.故村名亦为宇文村。村东北里许地有碧天寨、清泉寺、龙池庙,殿前泉甓井,古色古香,宇文河村前流过,张万荣从小就生活在这样一个风景优美,远离闹市的世外桃园,身躯魁