
来源 :历史教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GOG12
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北洋政府成立伊始,陆军部试图统一解决国家的兵源问题,颁行了《暂行陆军征募条例》,并成立两个征募局。但清末以来形成的军队的私属性和地方军权的逐渐伸扬,对中央陆军部的权力造成相当阻限。即便是在中央军政权力相对强大的袁世凯时代,征募局的设置也未能达到预期效果。而在袁世凯死后,陆军部更加失去了对军队招募的控制。而兵源匪化的出现,加剧了北洋政府兵役状况的混乱和兵役制度的彻底崩溃。 At the very beginning of the Beiyang government, the Department of the Army tried to unify the solution of the source of troops in the country, promulgated the Provisional Regulations on the Recruitment of the Army and set up two recruitment offices. However, the formation of the private property of the military and the gradual expansion of local military power since the end of the Qing dynasty have caused considerable resistance to the power of the Central Military Department. Even in the era of Yuan Shikai, where the power of the Central Military and Political Power was relatively strong, the establishment of the recruitment bureau failed to achieve the desired result. After Yuan Shikai’s death, the army department even lost control of army recruitment. The occurrence of banditry in the military sources intensified the chaos of military service of the Beiyang government and the complete collapse of the military service.
新医改背景下,许多医学院校开展了创业教育。本文分析当前医学院校开展创业教育存在的问题,并对创业教育实践途径和对策进行探索与研究。 In the context of new medical re