美国十九世纪著名作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑是美国文学史上一位传奇式的人物。除了为人们所熟知的经典著作外,他还创作了成百篇短篇小说和故事。20世纪50年代以来,人们发现这些为麦尔维尔和坡所肯定的“黑色故事”更具有思想价值和艺术价值。作者摘取地道的美国本土材料,以神秘的象征主义手法反映美国早期清教徒的道德历史,以及“新世界”在殖民者心中留下的巨大震撼。其中的《年轻的古德曼.布朗》(Young Goodman Brown)①尤以神秘、隐涩而著称,故事自始至终充满着晦暗、隐秘的意象。本文将从霍桑的思想意识倾向和创作倾向两方面对作品中的这类意象进行解析。
Nathaniel Hawthorne, a famous American writer in the 19th century, is a legendary figure in the history of American literature. In addition to his well-known classics, he has also created hundreds of short stories and stories. Since the 1950s, it has been found that these “Black Stories” that Melville and Slope affirm have more ideological and artistic value. The author extracts authentic native American material and uses mysterious symbolism to reflect the moral history of the early Puritans in the United States and the tremendous shock left by the “New World” to the colonialists. Young Goodman Brown, one of them, is especially famous for being mysterious and secluded. The story is full of dull and secretive images from beginning to end. This article will analyze Hawthorne’s ideological awareness and creative tendency in his works.