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  在湖北恩施土家族苗族自治州巴东县的一个小镇上,有一片土地拥有原生态的自然峡谷风光和浓郁的土家民族文化,这就是巴人河景区(Baren River Scenic Area)。It has a beautiful name——the Shangri-La of Changjiang.
  It has a very long history,and people there are the descendants of Baren. 湖北鄂西自治州地区以土家人居多,而相传土家人是巴人的后裔。悄悄告诉你们啊,我妈妈也是土家人呢!
  There are so many beautiful sceneries there. You can never see them in any other places! 我细细地品味着大自然的鬼斧神工:高耸入云的群山,万丈深渊的天坑,峭陡险的峡谷,阴森恐怖的溶洞……
  On my way back to the cave, I was curious about all the new things.
  走進溶洞,我环视四周,仿佛置身于一个梦幻的世界,五颜六色的灯光映在钟乳石上,有的像大铁锤、金箍棒,有的像憨态可掬的老爷爷,还有的像张开血盆大嘴的狮子……感觉它都要把我给吃了. So scary!
  傍晚时分,我们开始打道回府,回忆今天所见,不禁对大自然的神奇充满敬畏之心。刺激、惊艳、累,是我这一天最大的体会。Baren River ,we’ll see you next time.
海底小纵队又要开启冒险之旅啦!这一次他们被安排到了地球的极地,冰天雪地的环境加上陌生的地方,小纵队的成员们能否顺利完成任务?让我们和小纵队成员一起走进极地,来一次冰天雪地大探险吧!  Octopus: 为了顺利完成此次极地大探险,你们进行了哪些前期准备?  I usually eat a lot on Monday. 我通常在星期一吃許多。  I always run in the afterno
I have a lovely teacher.  She is about forty-five years old.  She is tall and nice.  She likes smiling.  At school, she teaches us Art.  At her lessons, we can draw beautiful things.  Teachers’ Day is
听录音,给小朋友一天的活动和相关时间连线。  下面两幅图有哪些不同,你能找出來吗?
The Tiger King is so old. He governs the animal kingdom very well. So he decides to look for a great man to be the new king. The owl, kangaroo and bear all want to be the new king.  那么誰将成为“万兽之王”呢?让我们一
gymnastics  體操  weight lifting  举重  fencing  击剑  boxing  拳击
Match each animal to the sound it makes from the list below. 下面动物们发出的声音是什么?请连线。  Use the clues below to find different rabbits in the picture. Circle the correct rabbit with your finger.  用你的手指圈出正確的兔子
By William Blake (1757-1827)  Pretty, pretty robin!  Under leaves so green,  A happy blossom,  Hears you sobbing, sobbing.  Pretty, pretty robin,  Near my bosom.
I am Migo. I am a Yeti. I like to ring the gong. That’ s also my father’ s job. One day, I met a smallfoot. That’ s amazing.  我叫米果,一个雪怪。我喜欢敲锣,那也是我父亲的工作。一天,我遇到了一个小脚怪,真是太不可思议了。  I am Percy. I am very sa
Seahorse’s Nose海馬的鼻子  Seahorses are a kind of fish.  They have long noses.  Their noses are like straws(吸管).  They use noses to suck(吮吸) food into their mouths.  Meerkat狐獴  Meerkats are small burrowin
What’s your job?  同学们,让我们一起来学习下面的职业單词。