The CPC’s series of instructions on Nanchang’s uprising were not only reflected in the brewing and decision-making stages of the uprising, but also reflected in the southern journey after the outbreak of the intifada. Including instructions Guangdong, Hunan and other provinces riot with the uprising and do a good job after the uprising failure and so on. Looking at the series of instructions and measures the CPC poses about the Nanchang Uprising, we can see that there is a clear thread that runs through a policy of “armed insurrection by the people.” Before the launch of the Nanchang Uprising, the CCP decided to launch a peasant uprising in the four provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Jiangxi and so on. Therefore, the CPC’s guide to the Nanchang Uprising can not be separated from this established principle. At the same time, the CPC Central Committee’s thinking on “rebellion mainly relying on the masses and its military power only on the vice force has a serious impact on its leadership and evaluation of the Nanchang Uprising. The” guidance "of the Comintern directly affects the CPC’s decision-making on the Nanchang Uprising.