春季气温变化大,大棚易出现高温危害现象,管理不善使蔬菜因高温而造成萎蔫,叶片下垂,新根发生受阻,地上部分生长缓慢,叶色浅而缺乏生机。春管应抓好以下四点: 1 加强通风透光,增加光合作用。通风不仅有利于调节空气,使棚内空气新鲜,而且能排除棚内肥料分解所产生的有害气体。通风还可以接受阳光的照射,增加蔬菜的光合作用,通风一般掌握在外界气温上升到18℃左右时,可逐步通风换气,调节温度。 2 控制适宜温度,防止蔬菜徒长。各类蔬菜都有自己适宜生长的温度范围。如番茄生长过程中的适宜温度为20~25℃,因此大棚番茄的温度应控制在25℃左右。黄瓜比番茄所需温度略高,一般所
Spring temperature changes, greenhouse prone to high temperature damage, poor management of vegetables caused by high temperature wilting, sagging leaves, the new root blocked, the ground part of the slow growth, leaf color shallow and lack of vitality. Spring tube should grasp the following four points: 1 to enhance the ventilation, increase photosynthesis. Ventilation is not only conducive to regulating the air, making the shed fresh air, but also to eliminate the greenhouse gas decomposition of fertilizers. Ventilation can also accept the sun’s rays, increasing the photosynthesis of vegetables, ventilation is generally in the outside world when the temperature rose to about 18 ℃, gradually ventilation, adjust the temperature. 2 control the appropriate temperature, prevent vegetable leggy. All kinds of vegetables have their own suitable temperature range of growth. Such as tomato growth process suitable temperature is 20 ~ 25 ℃, so the greenhouse temperature of tomato should be controlled at about 25 ℃. Cucumber slightly higher temperature than the tomato, the general