福建省机关事业单位养老保险制度从1994年开始改革试点,迄今已历经10年时间。10年时间,福建机关事业单位养老改革走过了曲折的历程。改革深化呼唤完善政策为了适应人员频繁流动和机关事业单位向纵深发展的需求。从1994年 1月省政府下发闽政[1994]1号文件为标志,实行县级统筹管理体制的福建省机关事业单位养老保险制度改革开始在全省展开。
The pension insurance system of government agencies and institutions in Fujian Province has started a pilot reform program in 1994 and has lasted for 10 years. In 10 years, the pensions reform in Fujian’s institutions and public institutions went through a tortuous course. Deepening reform calls for perfecting policies In order to meet the frequent movement of personnel and institutions and institutions to the needs of the in-depth development. From the January 1994 provincial government issued Minzheng [1994] No. 1 document as a symbol, the implementation of the county-level integrated management system of institutions and institutions in Fujian Province pension reform began in the province.