国际4A:阿洋,帅哥型老外。家境好,资历高。本土广告:本弟,热血男儿。创业期,没多少资本,却一贯豪情万丈。本地品牌:MM 一个,漂亮、富有。(以下是 MM 的心情手记)在我还很小的时候,本弟就跟我很熟。那时他笨得很,懂得不多,也不明白我的心思。和本弟在一块,既不浪漫,又没创意,唉,满意度极低呀。可怜啊,我这个完美主义者!好在本弟对我还算殷勤,又很上进。我想,既没合适的人选,就这么着吧,只要别惹我发火就行。况且,这几年本弟的确出息了不少。看样子,我和本弟这辈子注定要长相厮守。要不是阿洋的闯入……阿洋排行老幺,其家业几乎遍布欧美乃至全球。阿洋来国内发展不过十多年,开始和我交往接触也就在最近两三年。他可拿的
International 4A: A foreign, handsome foreigners. Good family, seniority. Local Advertising: Brother, blood boy. Business period, not much capital, but has always been lofty. Local brands: MM one, beautiful, rich. (MM is the mood of the following notes) When I was still young, my brother familiar with me. At that time he was stupid, did not know much, did not understand my mind. And my brother in a piece, neither romantic nor creative, alas, very low satisfaction ah. Poor ah, I am a perfectionist! Fortunately, my younger brother treats me fairly, and she is advancing. I think, neither suitable candidates, so be it, just do not mess with me on fire. Moreover, in recent years his brother indeed a lot of interest. Looks like, my brother and brother in my life doomed to stay together. A foreign invasion or not ... ... A foreign old youngest, almost all its family business throughout Europe and the United States and the world. A foreign to domestic development, but more than a decade, began contacts with me also in the last two or three years. He can take it