30%苯醚甲环唑.丙环唑乳油防治水稻纹枯病的田间效果研究结果表明:使用30%苯醚甲环唑.丙环唑乳油有效成分含量67.5、90.0、112.5 mL/hm2的平均病指分别为22.61、17.98、14.90,平均防效分别为60.32%、68.45%、73.85%,与对照药剂5%井冈霉素水剂有效成分90.0 mL/hm2处理在1%水平上差异极显著。30%苯醚甲环唑.丙环唑乳油优于目前生产常用药剂5%井冈霉素水剂,能延缓稻叶衰老,提高结实率和千粒重,增加产量,而且安全、有效,可以大面积推广,建议使用剂量有效成分为67.5~90.0 mL/hm2。
30% difenoconazole.Field study of propiconazole EC in the control of rice sheath blight showed that the average content of active ingredients of propiconazole EC was 67.5,90.0,112.5 mL / hm2 with 30% difenoconazole The pathological indexes were 22.61, 17.98 and 14.90 respectively. The average control effects were 60.32%, 68.45% and 73.85%, respectively. The difference was significant at the level of 1% with 90.0 mL / hm2 of Jinggangmycin 5% validate. 30% Difenoconazole. Propiconazole EC is superior to the currently used 5% Jinggangmycin agent, which can delay leaf senescence, enhance seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight and increase yield, and is safe, effective and can be widely promoted , It is recommended to use the effective dose of 67.5 ~ 90.0 mL / hm2.