1948年7月3日在上海举办的中国航海节,是民国时期第一届也是唯一的一届航海节。 在抗日战争时期,中国的航商损失惨重,航商团体组织日益冷清而没有什么活动。抗战胜利后,中国的航运业得到了迅速发展,航运公司规模和数量都有很大的增加,船员人数特别是高级船员人数急剧增
July 3, 1948 held in Shanghai China Sailing Festival, the Republic of China is the first and only time a sailing Festival. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, China’s naval traders suffered heavy losses, and the organization of shipping organizations became increasingly deserted without any activity. After the victory of Anti-Japanese War, China’s shipping industry has witnessed rapid development. The size and number of shipping companies have greatly increased. The number of crew, especially the number of senior officers, has risen sharply