近年来杂交水稻种子发芽率偏低,育秧难度大,种子成本高,农民反映很强烈。我们经多年调查研究,初步查明杂交水稻种子发芽率偏低的原因,并提出一些对策。 1 主要原因 1.1 谷粒充实度差。不饱满粒比例大,一般占20%~30%。杂交水稻制种时,大田授粉时间长达10~15天。先授粉结实的种子先成熟,谷粒饱满比重大;后授粉结实的种子在收获时往往只是黄熟,谷粒不
In recent years, hybrid rice seed germination rate is low, difficult to nursery seedlings, high cost of seeds, farmers reflect very strong. After many years of investigation and research, we initially identified the reasons for the low germination rate of hybrid rice seeds and put forward some countermeasures. 1 The main reason 1.1 poor grain fullness. Not full of large proportion of grain, generally accounting for 20% to 30%. Hybrid rice seed, Daejeon pollination up to 10 to 15 days. First pollinated seed first maturity, full of large grain weight; after pollination and strong seeds are often only harvested at harvest, grain is not