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  Host: We start by going back in time to 1837. Place yourself in South America in what was then called 1)British Guyana. We’re in a boat sailing along the 2)backwaters of one of the world’s largest rivers. As we’re paddling along, we come across these huge flowers growing in the still river basins. The leaves are huge and circular, strong enough to support the weight of a small child in fact.
  The original 19th century scientific name for this flower was Victoria Regia, in honour of Queen Victoria, and it became a symbol of the British Empire.
  Tatiana Holway (Author of The Flower of Empire): It’s a vast plant that grows in still river basins in the Amazon, and actually all over South America. The leaves are—it’s a water lily—and the leaves are 5 feet across, at least, sometimes 6, sometimes even 7. And the flower is about 18 inches when it blooms, and it blooms in, first in white and then in shades of pink, darker and darker and darker, and has a beautiful smell of pineapples, very rich.
  Host: If we take ourselves back to the mid-19th century, no one in England had seen a flower quite like this. It was discovered by German naturalist Robert Schomburgk, who was on an expedition for the 3)Royal Geographical
  Society. And then, a...a picture of it kind of takes off in Victorian England. It wasn’t just taking off. I mean, the whole country went 4)gaga for it.
  Holway: They sure did, and it was a matter of just perfect timing; all the conditions coming together for a perfect storm. First of all, in Britain already, flowers were...were a craze. And, at the same time that Britain is expanding its empire and expanding its explorations, it’s also discovering new flowers all the time. And so these are appearing in the press with lots and lots of 5)fanfare, and everybody’s getting excited about the 6)petunia. I mean, there’s nothing more...more amazing than...than this petunia or the 7)begonia. So already the conditions are promising for a flower like this. Add the fact of where it was discovered, Guyana, and then the timing. That’s the key. This was 1837. It was discovered when Victoria was a princess still. And in the six weeks between the time that the news of the discovery left Guyana and arrived in London, Victoria had become Queen. Then they discover it’s a new 8)genus, then they call it Victoria Regia, and there we are, the perfect storm.
  Host: Now there’s another beat to this story, which is really interesting. This flower, Victoria Regia, actually prompted the construction of Crystal Palace in London. This is 1851.   Holway: It was all glass.
  Host: Yeah.
  Holway: It was the largest building ever built. It was 18 acres. It was built for the 9)Great Exhibition of Industry of 1851, and it was temporary. It was taken down after a year, and the design was based on the structure of the leaf of the water lily.
  Host: Ex...Explain that. I mean, how do you take a...this kind of thing that grows in nature and it becomes kind of the...the basis for a building?
  Holway: Ahh, well, as the architect himself put it, Joseph Paxton, nature was the engineer. That’s a bit of an
  10)oversimplification, but he is also the one who brought the lily to bloom for the first time in Britain, and having done so, the lily was getting bigger and bigger under his care, so he built for Victoria Regia a special new Victoria Regia house. And he had a breakthrough in design based on...on the lily leaf, which can support quite a bit of weight...on the water. So, thinking along those lines, he figured out a way to have a roof, a wide 11)horizontal 12)expanse with minimal 13)vertical supports. And that was the big design breakthrough in this lily house, which was quite small. But when it came to the Crystal Palace, it was just many, many, many of those lily houses all joined together.
  Host: So you...you see then, you must see, a direct link between the discovery of this flower, the enthusiasm in England for it, and then, kind of, I mean, buildings that have gone up here in the United States, glass buildings, this whole, kind of architectural, kind of, 14)fad, really, that’s been going on since the 50s.
  Holway: Absolutely, and...and even before—museums, malls, all those things. They all...they all come from the Crystal Palace in many ways. So, if you follow the line of reasoning that the Crystal Palace arose from the water lily, and that 15)modernity, in a way, arose from the Crystal Palace, then you can kind of say that modernity started in a 16)swamp.
  Host: That’s incredible!

  主持人:在19世纪中期的时候,英国没有人见过类似这种王莲的花卉。德国博物学者罗伯特·肖姆伯克在为英国皇家地理学会进行的一次探险中发现了它。之后,它的一幅图片在维多利亚时期的英国引起了不小的轰动,不仅仅是引起轰动,我的意思是,整个英国简直是为它而痴狂。   霍尔维:确实如此,王莲掀起如此热潮是因为它恰逢一个完美的时机,当时所有的因素一起作用,刮起了这场“完美风暴”。首先,英国人本来就对花卉非常热衷。其次,英国在扩张帝国版图、扩大探索开拓的同时,也一直在发掘新的花卉品种。媒体对新的品种大肆宣传,当时新发现的矮牵牛花就让人们兴奋不已。我的意思是,矮牵牛花还有秋海棠在当时是最新奇的品种。所以对于像王莲这样的花来说,在英国掀起风潮的条件已经很成熟。再加上它的发现地点——圭亚那,还有发现的时间,这个是关键。当时是1837年,刚发现王莲时维多利亚还是公主,就在发现王莲的消息从圭亚那传到英国的六个星期里,维多利亚已经成为了女王。然后,人们发现这是一个新的类属,就把它命名为维多利亚王莲。就这样,一场“完美风暴”刮起来了。

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