李应发解职,苏永舜辞职,一夜之间,辽沈足坛轰然倒下两面帅旗。 有人说,苏、李两人的离去,象征着老牌足坛名教头开始走向没落。对此笔者实在难以苟同,君不见刘国江擎八一帅旗猎猎于风中,君不见冼迪雄太阳神掌帅印于岭南,刘与苏、李同辈;而冼的辈分甚至高于苏、李。教练这个行当,有时的确难以用年龄来界定其能力。 但苏、李两人的去职,不仅令人震惊,而且令人深思,它昭示着中国足球俱乐部的一些现状和问题。
Li Yingfa dismissed, Su Yongshun resignation, overnight, Liaoning Shen football collapsed on both sides handsome banner. Some people say that the departure of both the Soviet Union and Li, a symbol of veteran football teacher began to decline. I really can not agree with this, you do not see Liu Guojiang Bayi handsome hunting in the wind handsome, you do not see Xian Di Xiong Sun God Palm handsome printed in Lingnan, Liu and Su, Li peers; and Xian’s seniority even higher than the Soviet Union and Li. Coaching this business, sometimes it is indeed difficult to use age to define its ability. However, the removal of both the Soviet Union and Lee was not only alarming but also thought-provoking. It shows some of the current status and problems of the Chinese football clubs.