王健林维权告赢“王建林” 法院认定被告侵权

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北京晨报记者获悉,一名为“王建林”的微信公众号因配发多篇包含暴露图片,且题目、内容格调较低,明示、暗示有涉两性关系的文章,被王健林诉至法院索赔千万。经两级法院审理,法院认定该公众号侵权,王健林获赔精神损害抚慰金7万元。发不雅文章盗用肖像王健林一审诉称,去年9月2日,浩港电子网络有限公司在微信冒用王健 Beijing Morning Post reporter was informed that one for “Wang Jianlin ” WeChat public number due to the distribution contains many articles exposed, and the title, the content style is lower, expressly, implying that there are articles about the relationship between the sexes, was Wang Jianlin sued the court for compensation Thousands. After two court hearings, the court found that the public number infringement, Wang Jianlin compensation for mental damage solatium 70,000 yuan. Unfair articles embezzle portrait Wang Jianlin first trial, said last September 2, Hao Hong Kong Electronic Network Co., Ltd. in WeChat fraudulent use of Wang Jian