1.西柏坡,未雨绸缪:决不当李自成 1949年3月5日,中国共产党七届二中全会在河北省平山县西柏坡村召开.面对中国革命即将取得的大胜利和大发展,毛泽东同志告诫全党:“因为胜利,党内的骄傲情绪,以功臣自居的情绪,停顿起来不求进步的情绪,贪图享乐不愿再过艰苦生活的情绪,可能生长.……可能有这样一些共产党人,他们是不曾被拿枪的敌人征服过,他们在这些敌人面前不愧英雄的称号;但是经不起人们用糖衣裹着的炮弹的攻击,他们在糖弹面前要打败仗,我们必须预防这种情况.夺取全国胜利,这
1. Xibaipo, take precautions: never be considered Li Zicheng On March 5, 1949, the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Xibaipo Village, Pingshan County, Hebei Province. In the face of the great victories and great development to be achieved by the Chinese revolution, Comrade Mao Zedong warned The whole party: ”It may grow because of victory, inner-party pride, heroism, pause for unhappy progress, pleasure-seeking, unwillingness to live a hard life .... There may be communists Who have never been conquered by gun-wielding enemies, who deserved heroes’ title in front of these enemies, but who can not withstand the attacks of people covered in sugar-coated shells, who defeat the sugar bombs, and we must prevent it Situation. To win the national victory, this